Restoring Smiles since 1988
The encouragement that motivates us
Serving numerous Embassies and High Commissions in Delhi-NCR
All around the Globe
“I had my teeth checked and cleaned by Dr. Mukul Jain who has a neat and modern dentist praxis in Vasant Vihar, New Delhi. Dr. Jain cares a lot about his patient’s well-being and therefore I felt very comfortable during the whole treatment.
Thus, I learnt to know that Dr. Mukul Jain is a dedicated, caring and highly trained dentist with a lot of international experience. I was extremely satisfied with his service and can highly recommend him to anyone seeking an extraordinarily qualified and compassionate dentist in New Delhi.
I will certainly come to have my teeth cleaned again in December before I leave for my Christmas holiday” –
“Hi, I’m Silke and me and my family have been with Dr Jain for one year. Fortunately, we’ve never had anything serious, but our regular checkups were efficiently and punctually done. Moreover, Dr Jain was very nice to the children” –
‘Hallo, ich bin Silke und wir sind seit einem Jahr bei Dr Jain. Gott sei Dank hatten wir bisher keine ernsthaften Probleme, aber die Routineuntersuchungen waren schnell und effizient. Zudem war Dr Jain stets seht pünktlich und freundlich zu den Kindern.’
Monday – Saturday 09:00- 18:30
Sunday : By Appointment only
A-4/1, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi – 110057, India
+91(11)-46012004, 9810070960, 9810285356
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